Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Spiritual Journey, Chapter 1

I have talked with my husband about blogging for about the past 6 months.  Can you say procrastination?  I kept waiting to reach enlightenment, become more wise, have more to share, find my "true" voice, have my house more organized, become a real writer, be a better mother and wife, be more compassionate, heal my son, toilet train my son, hear someone say "Kim, why don't you write a blog?", etc.  No kidding, these were all of my reasons for not doing what I knew I deeply wanted to do!  Ego, ego, ego!  

Yet, today I read some of Bea Johnson's blog about Zero Waste Living (zerowastehome.blogspot.com) and had an AHA! moment:)  Why not share my journey to enlightenment?  After all, that's what Bea was doing with her topic.  Thank you, Bea!  Side note:  I was also inspired to work toward eliminating material waste!  So, here I am working toward letting go of anything that no longer serves a purpose in my life...physically, mentally, spiritually and sharing it with you as openly and honestly as I can.  Join me and together we will find our way home!

Before I sign off for the day, I want to share a little about my journey thus far.  I will try to keep it brief , because trust me, I have accumulated a lot of journey in my 45 years!  
  • Until I was 4, I saw and talked with my two angels.
  • I had several traumatizing events beginning when I was about 2 leading me to have a death and rebirth experience. 
  • I made a conscious decision to live a spiritual life as a mother instead of as a nun or priest (girls couldn't be priests anyway) when I was 8.
  • I started reading the Zen books on the library shelf near my study spot and thought they made sense and realized that I was no longer Catholic...I was spiritual.
  • I saw my first born and after 9 months of worrying if I would love her, thought, "I know you!" when I was 23.
  • I buried my beloved brother, Todd, and briefly joined Eckankar to escape the pain and learned about the power of sound.
  • I spent 7 years (off and on, give or take) in therapy with a wonderful therapist, Deborah, and learned how to turn my trauma into grist for my spiritual mill.
  • When I held my last born, I felt peace and knew that even though a lot was wrong with him (CHARGE syndrome) everything would be OK.  I was 36.
  • While I was out running near a local river and canal, God told me to pick up the feather I saw and throw it in the river.  I learned that I would never be "mainstream".
  • I knew I found my soulmate when I saw his soul (it looked like an Indian Chief) when I was 42.
  • I learned energy work from my Lakota elder friend.
  • I learned energy work from my Cherokee Chief mentor.
  • Attending a Jin Shin Jyutsu course, I learned about David Hawkins book Power vs Force.
  • I read David Hawkins' book and started to wonder what happens to the rest of us chickens who can't study with a guru in a cave in India?  Answer:  You find spiritual growth in whatever Now you have happening.
  • Raising my son and looking for a healing for him, I found a healing for me.  He's perfect:)
  • Cleaning up poop out of the carpet and off walls for the gazillionith time this past fall, I realized that "poop" washes off.
  • Reading Martha Beck's books Expecting Adam and Finding Your Way in a Wild New World, I realized that I wasn't the only crazy out there!
So, that should catch you up on my spiritual meanderings to date.  Where has your spiritual quest taken you lately?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have always considered you a mentor. You are the brave one that is willing to take paths that scare the crap out of me!!! I am on a journey, as you well know, of my own. Trying to figure out why I have been handed this paricular journey and what exactly God wants me to do with it?? I am discovering new things about myself daily and beginning to see the big picture. God has a plan. I am trying my hardest to discover what it is and how I can use it to better myself and others around me. I appreciate your willingness to bring us along for your journey through good and bad. I pray that we all use your gift of sharing to seek our true beauty, find tremendous growth, and discover our true authentic selves. You are a blessing to many!!!

    1. Wow! Caroline, I'm not sure how much I respond out of courage or out of the necessity to respond. I'm humbly honored that you see me as courageous and am thrilled that you benefited from my blog thus far. I only hope to keep relaying honestly from my path:) In any case, as I said in my post about shadow, "It's all good!"

  3. Kim,
    I'm glad you started your blog. therapeutic for you and us. My spiritually journey is leading me to study the teachings of Doreen Virtue. My Affirmation is "I am Peace" I am learning to develop my communications skills with my Angels through the four clairs. I value a clear crystal right now for helping to block neg.energies from me. Here is an example of how My Angels helped solve a problem I was having. Last year I purchased a new car, she was great at first but then little things started happening to her then her transmission started acting up. Took her to two dealers both saying they could not find anything. Others on ford blogs had the same issue and the same responce from the dealers. I gave up and ask my Angels to take care of the issue. I just kept saying I am peace,I am peace. I thought they would lead me to a different dealership instead it was totaled out when I was turning into the road to my house. I had turned on my signal slowed down to make my turn a dually was behind me she slowed down I started making my turn I was almost completely in the road I was turning into when I heard my Angel saying relax and keep making your turn in my left ear. Then I heard a horn and almost the same instands a car hit my left quarter panel spun me around and I went backwards into a tree. My car was totaled, my transmisson issue was solved. The lady that hit me saw the dually slowing down but didn't slow down instead she came around the dually going 60mph and then saw me and hit me. Her insurance paid for my car and I recieved a $100.00 more then I paid for the car. The Angels solve things for us in unexpected ways. My job is to let go and stay at peace and then follow the instructions they give. That is where I am right now. One of my big issue now is the fate of the Post office. I look forward to reading more about your Spiritual Path, it inspires me.You are a Very Courageous Person and I to appreciate your honesty, its Inspirational.

    Robyn Hunt

    1. Robyn,
      Wow! I am so sorry you had the trauma of an accident. I am also very moved by your ability to find the positive in such an awful situation! I think that is very courageous!! Thank you so much for sharing your lesson. I hope we can continue to inspire each other:)
