Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Pursuit of Truth

Recently two dear friends of mine had the courage to suggest to me that my son, Will, might benefit from a residential school setting.  I was flooded with many intense emotions.  Tears welled in my eyes as I heard the vein of truth in what they said.

Since then, I have been struggling with the idea.  While I know without a doubt that I am willing to do whatever is best for my son, I falter with what that might be.  How do I determine such a thing?  Really what I am asking is "how do I find the truth?"  I think this is an important question for all of us.  It was the driving force for Gandhi.  He titled his autobiography "The Story of My Experiments with Truth" and closes with the sentence:    "In bidding farewell to the reader, for the time being at any rate, I ask him to join with me in prayer to the God of Truth that He may grant me the boon of Ahimsa in mind, word, and deed."  Ahimsa is a sanskrit word meaning to do no harm.  Ahimsa is certainly paramount in my mind as I consider the best course of action for Will.

I believe that getting to truth requires the ability to see past emotion and ego.  To this end, I have found it most helpful to fast and meditate outside.  Certainly, anything we do to slow down and drown out the madness around us helps.  I suppose we could consider this a mini vision quest.  While this hasn't brought me an answer, it has brought me peace.  I know when the time comes, I will make the best decision I can out of love for my son.  What is your truth today?

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